
Tuesday, December 2, 2008

WalMart Fiasco

So let me tell you about our little shopping excursion this morning. My sister and I decided to make a WalMart run this morning. I was excited that I would have only my child to watch and she would have Campbell. So much more manageable with one. So we meet in the Christmas department when she gets there. Of course Finley acts as though she hasn't seem Campbell in three months, so she had to get into the basket with her. I was across the way when I hear Brandi asking Fin if she was alright. I look over and Campbell is in the seat of the cart facing Brandi. Finley is standing up behind Campbell and is puking all down Campbell's back, in Campbell's hair, into the seat cover, on herself, shoes, and it's splattering on the floor. Lovely. So I run over carrying my seat cover and catch the remaining barf in it. Luckily, we look over next to us and we are beside a "Clean-Up Zone". I use the garbage bags and collect all the dirty seat covers and clothes. I let Campbell use Finley's extra set of clothes seeing that my child barfed on hers. I got Finley a shirt out of the Toddler section and cleaned off her shoes. We used the paper towels and wiped up all the puke off the floor and put those into a garbage bag. Brandi cleaned Campbell's hair with a wet wipe. We wiped down all the carts with wipes since we had no more seat covers-like they could have much worse than barf on them!!! We then continued with our shopping. When I checked out, the cashier asked if I had forgotten to put the sack onto the counter. I told her no, they were barf clothes and we arrived wearing them. Another day in the life of the Smart children.


Tracy said...

Oh for crying out loud. Like you don't have enough going on...

At least your sis was there! Can you imagine if you had taken both of them to Walmart by yourself and that happened. Yikes.

Jerilynn said...

well...I was just about to eat breakfast! LOL Sorry you had a rough walmart trip.

Funky Finds said...

never a dull moment, huh? ;)