I have really come to love the "blog world"! I love being able to write down things that I will never remember-especially the sweet things my kids say! I love the photos and look forward to seeing other's sweet babies and kids. It's so nice to be able to keep up with friends and family whom I normally don't get to see. I think for the most part, it has been a positive experience. Some people are so uplifting and make my day better with their writings.
I do have one thing that really bothers me, unfortunately. I have seen this on several other blogs and it really chaps me. I really hate for people to leave comments that are hateful, unhelpful, and/or snide. And I especially hate it when people sign comments anonymous! If you are going to say something to someone that is nice or not, at least be big enough to sign your name to it. I left a comment on someones blog that stated my opinion about immunizations and someone left me a comment(wasn't even my blog) that was so hateful. I even saw a comment left to someone that basically said that how could she call herself a true Christian when buying designer jeans and purses. I mean, seriously folks, if you don't like them, don't take the time to read their blog-it's that simple. I have come across blogs that I don't like, so I just don't click on them anymore. I just think that people who blog want this to be a happy experience, even if the readers don't agree with what they do. Some of the new moms that blog really need encouragement, not someone telling them they are wrong. Everyone needs some encouragement actually. I am a big girl, I can take it if your opinion differs from mine, but I do think that there is a tactful way of leaving a comment......and signing your name to it.
I have two personal blog rules. 1.)I will only write things that I know are safe for ANYONE in the world to read 2.) I will not be hurtful to anyone even if I don't agree with them.
And to all my favorite bloggers, I love to keep up with your daily happenings. You are all awesome! Keep up the good work-and keep putting up those sweet pics!!!
Another Chapter
5 days ago
Amen Sister!!! I really appreciate your comment on my blog. I don't know who the person was but they left another message that was directly to you. It was mean. I have a new rule, too, if they won't sign their name, I will delete it myself as soon as I see it. Thanks for standing up for me, cousin.
Hey - sorry you had a negative experience. I haven't exactly yet- but I do think blogs can sometimes be passive aggressive. I always try to think about my posts and make sure that my post will not make someone feel bad.
We will have to visit about this one in a phonecall....there is just too much to say LOL
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