Is anyone a Bachelor watcher out there? Maybe not, but I have to say I am shocked that he let Jillian go last night! She was about to be my pick for the winner. She seems so sweet and is gorgeous. I like the other two, but I thought for sure that Melissa was going home. What do I know?!?
Ok, so the Smart household went downhill yesterday afternoon. First of all, Kyle came home to lie down because his stomach was hurting-Kyle never slows down during a workday. So I was thinking, Great, he's got a bug. I banished him to the bedroom last night and decided I wouldn't be sleeping in there. He's fine today, thank goodness. Maybe it was something he ate. Then I decide to go the the gym about 4pm. When I arrive, I have a most wonderful surprise in my gym bag. My drink container had spilled all the water out into the bottom of my bag and in the two inches of standing water was my battery operated key chain, my earphones, and last but not least, my new Blackberry. Nice, very nice!!! I was so irate that I almost went home, but decided to jog off my frustrations. I was so mad!!! Blackberry not so much working anymore. As nighttime came along, I was so jazzed that Finley had eaten so well at dinner. She usually eats like a bird so we are always trying to feed her something. She had seven fishsticks-yes, Seven! I was shocked she could eat that many. She also had cheese, grapes, and a cookie. I bragged on her and put her to bed with a cup of milk and she had taken her antibiotic. And twenty minutes later, she was crying and I walked into her room and Yep......................she had barfed every last morsel up on the "big" bed and I wanted to cry. She was crying and milk was coming out of her nose. She either ate too much or got choked on the milk. Sooooooo, I woke Kyle up and he took her to bathe (a second time) and I stripped sheets. She managed to puke on her new comforter, the extra blanket, sheets, mattress pad, her doll, and FOUR pillows! Geeez. What in the world do you do with barf pillows, seriously? I threw them in the dumpster today and decided to start over. There was so much puke, (this is really graphic) I scooped it up with a spoon onto a paper plate! And all the moms out there know how much fun it is to scrape off barf before you wash the sheets, because if you don't, you have "clean" barf in your washing machine when it finishes. Gag. I was still doing the fourth load at 11 o'clock last night. I stand by my claim and will always stand by my claim that I have, without a doubt, cleaned up more puke than a nurse. Gotta love Febreeze. There was no place for me to sleep-no extra bed, Kyle was sick, and Slade has a twin bed. So I put Finley in her crib and I started out on the couch. Finley kept whining for a drink and calling out my name, so I put her on the couch with me. When I could not stand it any longer, I laid down in the floor with my pillow. When I couldn't stand the floor anymore, I got back onto the couch in the middle of the night and put my head at the opposite end and straddled Finley's sprawled out body. It was a most unpleasant night to say the least. I felt like a freight train had run over me this morning. It's official - I'm too old to sleep on the floor!!
So that, my friends, was our Monday in a nutshell. Also let me not forget to add that this is the second time I have written this blog. I wrote this whole paragraph last night while it was still fresh in my mind and I was waiting on laundry. When I went to post it, the computer was having problems connecting online and blogger would not save my post. So I lost the whole thing last night. I shut the computer and decided to call it a night.
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 432
1 day ago
O.K. I do believe that we are in the same boat on the throw up. Graham threw up Sunday night and I also had to scoop it up before putting it in the washing machine. My friends son ( 1 1/2) has never thrown up. I was like, are you kidding me. I bet I have cleaned out the car seat atleast 50 times in his almost 2 year old life. Maybe we are going through this now and they will be pros at hitting the toilet when it starts getting really disgusting!!!!!
Doesn't make you want a bigger house with your own private room just for these kind of situations. My heart goes out to you. I hate throw up, especially throw up on pillows. Hope you had a better day today.
Well at least you have a washer. Mine crapped out last night. Yes it is 1 year old and came from my FAVORITE (NOT) place home depot. I was so distraught. I have many a puke story myself. It is nice when they get old enough to make it to the bathroom. More tests for Sarah. Yippee!!! Have a great wednesday. Hopefully no sickness.
I know I have you beat in allround throw-up cleaning. Cutter has a very sentitive gag reflex. I had to warn his teacher that if he coughs more than twice after lunch....send him straight to the bathroom. I must say - my stomach was a little too weak for the plate scooping story this early in the AM - that was nasty Ü
Bless your heart!! My goodness! I hope today is better for you all!
dripped from my eyelashes and....went in my mouth! Also had milk and cheese vomit running down into my BUILT in CARSEAT in my in can't remove from the vehicle. We were smelling fermented cheese for months!
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