Five things about..............
1. He is an "expert" at geography. If you name a place, he probably knows where it is.
2. He loves Diary of a Wimpy Kid books. Reads the entire book the afternoon he gets them(I think he gets this from me)
3. He still can't tie his shoes. Well he can't tie them very tight. He can locate Utrecht, Netherlands on a map but can't tie his shoes tight. Go figure.
4. He hates to buy shoes or clothes. He's would be fine with one pair of jeans or shoes-ever.
5. He takes at least a 20 minute shower every morning. And sometimes he walks out 20 minutes later and never put any shampoo in his hair.
1. She is great at puzzles. She can put together really hard ones!
2. She loves fashion. She tells Kyle what to wear to church every Sunday morning.
3. She loves anything chocolate.
4. She only weighs 34 pounds. Lightweight.
5. She loves to watch Cupcake Wars and Cake Boss.
1. His favorite item to hold is a broom or rag.
2. He loves to take anything out of any cabinet at any time.
3. When asked what the cow says, he replies......"boooooo". It so stinkin' cute.
4. Black beans are some of his favorite foods to eat.
5. He hardly ever spit up as an infant. Unbelievable in this family.
1. I don't consider peanut butter a dessert. And I really don't like it as a meal. It kinds gags me unless it's in a Reese's Pieces cup.
2. I hate shopping-especially at Wal-Mart.
3. I love to cook new recipes-I will try pretty much anything. Unless it has peanut butter.
4. My husband has bought me all the nice purses I've ever owned. I'm not into purses-very ungirly of me, right?!?
5. I secretly love to watch Good Luck, Charlie that comes on the Disney Channel with Finley.
1. He doesn't like to hunt animals. Very unboyish of him, right?!?
2. He loves cherry coke, steak, and cookies & creme Hershey bars.
3. He hates the taste of beer.
4. One of his favorite movies is Coal Miner's Daughter. Isn't that a scream!!!
5. He shared a room with his brother his entire childhood.