Gunnar's Stats.........
Weight - I think it's around 17.5 but we will know for sure after your well check next week!
Looks - You are a chunky monkey! You have blonde/brown fuzz all over your head. Your eyes are still blue and I am praying that you keep them! I really really really hope they stay blue!
Milk - you are drinking about a quart of milk per day. You still do 4-5 ounces during the day and a big bottle of 6 oz. right before bed.
Food - as of today, you have eaten apples, pears, mangos, bananas, avocados, butternut squash, green peas, sweet potatoes, blueberries, zucchini, and brown rice. You eat breakfast and dinner.
Sizes - size 3 diapers, 9 mo/12 mo clothing
Sleeping - you just don't sleep much. You basically will sleep if someone holds you. Maybe you'll take a cat nap in the morning and mid afternoon, therefore you are so tired and need to get ready for bed about 7pm. Sometimes you go to sleep when I lay you down, and sometimes you cry. Then you wake up three times per night. Nights are super fun around here.
Things You Do - you are rolling from belly to back, but only because I make you lie on your tummy. You hate tummy time with all your heart. You love to sit up and can sit several minutes without tipping over. You cry when I walk out of the room. You love to be outside in your supersaucer. You love to play with things that aren't toys-toothbrushes, cups, clothes, containers, plants, etc. You love paper. Oh dear goodness, you LOVE paper and anything that crinkles! You cry when we take the paper out of your hand. Just this week you've started spitting food in my face, thinking it's so funny! You pull hair and scratch on my face when you are drinking your bottle. You like to take baths and watch everyone. You are a people watcher, or shall I just say nosey! Ha!!! You are such a curious baby, impatient, and happy. You are the happiest baby on the block when you are being held. You love to cuddle. Oh, you are a sweet boy!!! And I'm starting to think you might like a little bit of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse when you wake up in the mornings. You are so pleasant when you wake up in the mornings-you smile at everyone! Did I mention that you are the cutest thing I've ever seen!